
Ballarpur, Diocesan Pastoral Centre

Parish: Ballarpur
Place Name: Ballarpur
Established Year: 1987
Address: Bishp's Home, Ballarpur P.O., Chandrapur Dt., M.S.
Pin: 442701
Phone: 07172/242287
Description: PASTORALCENTRE(1987) Information, formation and training being vital for efficient and effective ministry, a diocesan pastoral centre was established in the Bishop's Home campus in 1987 as a Silver Jubilee memorial of Chanda Mission. It was inaugurated by Pronuncio Agostino Cacciavillan on 18 January,1988. With facilities for accommodating 50,this centre is a venue of various seminars, training programmes,language courses and gathering for the Priests, religious and laity throughout the year.